
Board of Supervisors,  April 17, 2023

Full Video & Agenda

Meeting Materials

This was a full day meeting of the Board, most of which was closed to public comment.  During the closed portion of the meeting, the Board took up several action items, including Action Item #9, to adopt the SSPA 2023 Work Program.  The AT&T proposal was included in the Work Program.   

The Board voted unanimously to adopt the Work Program, but took care in their remarks to clarify their vote.  The remarks and vote begin at 2:05:34

Supervisor Smith:  "A few of the nominations have resulted in community concerns, so I want to reiterate that we are not approving or denying any plan amendments at this stage.  Rather, we are advancing these amendments to the Work Program for further study by staff, the community and the PC.  I would also note that ocmmunity engagement is a hallmark of SSPA and will continue in the next stage."

Supervisor Lee (Chairman):  "As you mention, there is some very vocal opposition to some of these, and that is appreciated.  We have that.  And just to clarify, none of these are being approved today.  This is just merely a sorting of Tiers ... and they will continue to go through a full a robust community engagement process in each of the districts where these nominations are.  ... Very important clarifying information ..."

Planning Commission, March 29, 2023

Full Video & Agenda  

Mark-up and Discussion of the 2023 Work Program begins at 8:13

Planning Commission, March 23, 2023

Full Video & Agenda

AT&T Site Discussion begins at 1:28:11

At this meeting, the Commission voted preliminarily to adopt the AT&T site plan into the 2023 Work Program.  The AT&T plan was only one of 23 different proposals discussed.  

Fourteen people shared their concerns with the Commission about the site plan, and several more were present in the audience to offer support, but did not speak.  

Commissioner's comments at the end of the hearing are particularly interesting.